One of the best strategies to gain increased engagement with a prospect or customer is to approach them with three thoughtful, relevant ideas about how you can help their business. In this way, you’ll drive an agenda favorable to your business, increase your credibility as a strategic partner, and differentiate yourself from the competition. I […]
Sales performance
Shred the Box
The first section of my book is titled “Think Different” (from the Apple motto & commercial), and the techniques in this section are designed to challenge and change the status quo. It’s the concept of “thinking outside of the box” on steroids, and directs salespeople to approach every day with a spirit of questioning and […]
To Win the Sale, Rewrite the Rulebook
The best salespeople are proactive and take control of the sale. Rather than simply allowing themselves to be led by a customer who controls the agenda, top producers constantly add value, establish their authority as thought leaders, and steer the customer’s thinking in favorable directions. They don’t play by the rules, but instead look for opportunities […]
The 40 Best Sales Techniques Ever w/ Jonathan Jewett
It’s a pleasure to connect with all of my sales colleagues though the new iSalesman website. By way of introduction, I’ve been selling enterprise software to large companies for more than 20 years. I’ve always been a professional salesman, and like to think I’ve learned a few things along the way. To this end, I’ll […]

Help! I Can’t Close Sales: 5 Ideas to Increase Your Close Ratio
Recently I got an email from Ahmed that said, “Do you have anything on how to close sales? Getting into an account isn’t a problem for me. But I get stuck after submitting a proposal. “By this time, I’ve already sent them all our marketing materials and given them a demo. They seem interested. Then, […]

The President’s Club: What’s the Big Deal?
All sales professionals aspire to earn the prestigious “President’s Club”. This is the ultimate sales achievement award that is also sometimes referred to as “The 100% Club”, “The Winner’s Circle”, “The Chairman’s Inner Circle”, etc. From the moment you graduate from sales training and are assigned your sales territory you hear about this great award […]

Closing That Sale Using Your Financial Expertise—Part Three
If you’d like to skip right to our free ROI calculator, click here. Thank you for following this three part series on Pencil Selling and ROI Selling. To show our appreciation for your interest I would like to make you a great offer. For the next 30 Days iSalesman will make available to you both The […]
“Let Me Show you the ROI”
As a follow up on to my Blog last week, What? I can’t take you to lunch? I promised to provide you with iSalesman’s answer to the question regarding “what selling skill do you need to develop now that your client’s Code-of Conduct Policies inhibit the types of Relationship Building events you can invite a client […]
What? I can’t take you to lunch?
Back in December 2011 I wrote a Blog titled “Ethical Selling = Effective Selling”. While working with an Ethics & Compliance company I learned of all the many rules and regulations impacting the sales profession. In this blog, as well as in my e-Book “Ethical Selling”, I identify all the laws and regulations that are […]
Sales is a Numbers Game but No One Wants to Be a Number
Marketing is about getting the masses of prospects to take a look at you; sales is about you, taking a massive look at your prospect. the sales elite understand that the extra mile is part of the path they take everyday.