Big Brother IS Watching You

In our daily lives we all have a reasonable expectation of privacy.  However, what does privacy mean in the digital age when increasingly our every move is being tracked and recorded?  A number of organizations have raised concerns about digital privacy, including such disparate institutions as the American Civil Liberties Union and the Heritage Foundation.  In March of […]

Use Owler: Win Business

Use Owler: Win Business

My company, provides a very unique Lead to Sales Service. We deploy sophisticated technologies to derive sales leads for our clients and our legion of B2B Sales Agents. As we see advancements in technologies related to identifying and communicating with new Prospects for our client’s, we are amazed by these technologies’ impact on increasing sales performance. […]

How are you “different”?

I live in Austin Texas where the official mantra is “Keep Austin Weird”.  I have lived in 6 other cities around the US and of them all, I love Austin the most because it is “different”. When I was in middle school and high school, being “different” was considered a negative- but it isn’t in […]