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Doug Young wrote a new post 7 years, 9 months ago
On May 25th, the value of a bitcoin rose to an all time high of $2,791.70. By the end of the day, the digital currency had fallen by more than $300 dollars, highlighting its volatility. However, […]
Doug Young wrote a new post 7 years, 9 months ago
On May 3 there was a massive cyber attack that targeted users of Google. Although it was shut down quickly, the scheme had the potential to affect up to 1 billion people. If you opened the e-mail and clicked on […]
Doug Young wrote a new post 7 years, 11 months ago
Digital assistants (DAs) such as Amazon Echo, Google Home, Microsoft Cortana or Apple’s SIRI are becoming very popular. Presently these platforms are capable of answering simple questions such as “What’s t […]
Doug Young wrote a new post 7 years, 11 months ago
In our daily lives we all have a reasonable expectation of privacy. However, what does privacy mean in the digital age when increasingly our every move is being tracked and recorded? A number of o […]