Qualifying Buyer Sponsorship


SKU: Qualifying+Buyer+Sponsorship Category:


Approximate time to complete: 30 minutes (not including short course assessment)

Intended audience: All

Sales Process Skill Set: Execute

Category: Foundation


Qualifying Buyer Sponsorship is a course intended to help the sales team qualify buyer sponsorship to determine if their contact can make purchasing decisions or provide them access to someone who can. Also, this course will help them explore ways to negotiate access to “power”, uncover evaluation criteria and put mechanisms in place to control the sales cycle and reduce buyer risk.

Course objectives:

After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Identify tactics that assist in determining a prospect’s ability to make a purchasing decision
  • Identify tactics for negotiating the next steps and gaining access to decision-makers
  • Write follow-up correspondence that effectively qualifies a prospect’s sponsorship, ability to buy and the opportunity itself
  • Describe the process for conducting diagnostic conversation with buyers higher up in an organization
  • Identify tactics for uncovering and defining a buyer’s evaluation and purchasing-decision criteria
  • Construct an evaluation-oriented plan that influences and directs the buyer’s evaluation approach

Recommended prerequisite courses:

  • Principles of Sales Execution

Related courses:

·      Principles of Sales Execution

·      Pre-call Planning and Research

·      Principles of Prospecting

·      Conducting a Structured Sales Call

·      Principles of Consultative Dialogue


·      Consultative Dialogue: Creating a Vision

·      Consultative Dialogue: Reengineering a Vision

·      Controlling the Sales Cycle

·      Principles of Negotiating



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