Principles of Sales Execution


SKU: Principles+of+Sales+Execution Category:


Approximate time to complete: 25 minutes (not including short course assessment)

Intended audience: All

Sales Process Skill Set: Plan, Execute, Manage

Category: Foundation


Principles of Sales Execution is a course intended to help sales professionals understand their buyers, know what is important to them, how they make decisions and align their selling approach accordingly in a repeatable, predictable, effective sales process that benefits members of both the buying and selling organizations.

Course objectives:

After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Explain the importance of using a sales process
  • Describe the key components within a sales process
  • Describe how buyers buy procedurally and behaviorally
  • Explain how a selling process should align with the buying process

Recommended prerequisite courses:

  • N/A

Related courses:

·      Pre-call Planning and Research

·      Principles of Prospecting

·      Conducting a Structured Sales Call

·      Principles of Consultative Dialogue

·      Consultative Dialogue: Creating a Vision


·     Consultative Dialogue: Reengineering a Vision

·     Qualifying Buyer Sponsorship

·     Controlling the Sales Cycle

·     Principles of Negotiating



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