Controlling the Sales Cycle


SKU: Controlling+the+Sales+Cycle Category:


Approximate time to complete: 25 minutes (not including short course assessment)

Intended audience: All

Sales Process Skill Set: Execute

Category: Foundation


Controlling the Sales Cycle is a course intended to help the sales team execute and manage the key elements of an evaluation plan including multiple forms of proof. In addition, the course positions ways to continually invite buy-in from the prospect and minimize the risk of making a purchase.

Course objectives:

After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Report progress of Evaluation Plan execution to Power Sponsors
  • Describe “three sales within the sale” that should occur (operational, transition, financial)
  • Describe the benefits of establishing and measuring client success criteria
  • Explain the tactics for managing the proposal process

Recommended prerequisite courses:

  • Principles of Sales Execution

Related courses:

·      Principles of Sales Execution

·      Pre-call Planning and Research

·      Principles of Prospecting

·      Conducting a Structured Sales Call

·      Principles of Consultative Dialogue

·     Consultative Dialogue: Creating a Vision

·     Consultative Dialogue: Reengineering a Vision

·     Qualifying Buyer Sponsorship

·     Principles of Negotiating



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