Approximate time to complete: 35 minutes (not including short course assessment)
Intended audience: Account Executive, Sales Management
Sales Process Skill Set: Plan
Category: Foundation
Analyzing People, Power, and Politics is a course intended to help the account team assess important account dynamics including the key players, politics and influence, where power and decision-making exists as well as competition. Additionally, this course helps to identify exposures so the team can create actions plans to address them
Course objectives:
After completing this course, you will be able to:
- Describe the factors that influence decisions of stakeholders in an account
- Describe the importance of knowing stakeholders in an account and their roles
- Identify the power structure of an account
- Identify influencers and map the lines of influence within an account
- Identify where and with whom the competition is aligned with in the account
Recommended prerequisite courses:
- Principles of Account Planning
Related courses:
- Principles of Account Planning
- Identifying Current and New Business in an Account
- Prioritizing Opportunities and Allocating Resources
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