Principles of Negotiating


SKU: Principles+of+Negotiating Category:


Approximate time to complete: 25 minutes (not including short course assessment)

Intended audience: All

Sales Process Skill Set: Execute

Category: Foundation


Principles of Negotiating is a course intended to help the sales team effectively know how the buyers think and what negotiation tactics they are likely to employ. Also, this course will help the sales team prepare for final negotiations by leveraging the business case already established during the sales cycle.

Course objectives:

After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Describe the negotiation tactics used by buyers
  • Plan for final negotiations prior to them taking place
  • Explain how a final negotiation should take place

Recommended prerequisite courses:

  • Principles of Sales Execution

Related courses:

·      Principles of Sales Execution

·      Pre-call Planning and Research

·      Principles of Prospecting

·      Conducting a Structured Sales Call

·      Principles of Consultative Dialogue

·     Consultative Dialogue: Creating a Vision

·     Consultative Dialogue: Reengineering a Vision

·     Qualifying Buyer Sponsorship

·     Controlling the Sales Cycle



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